Packaging the spirit of beer.
Odell has a solid product, an excellent reputation and their portfolio of beer is ever-expanding. With that expansion, Odell’s packaging has become synonymous with imaginative illustrated scenes that induce salivation in the craft beer lover. One challenge of canned beer is to create a package that gives the viewer a preview of the taste profile without actually seeing the beer. Below are designs we’ve been privileged enough to work on.
Cloud Catcher
Milkshake IPA
The idea for Cloud Catcher was to give purpose to the name beyond describing the beer’s mouthfeel and taste profile. We wanted to personify the Cloud Catcher while using colors that scream off shelf and reflect the unique color profile inside the can. So we created a scene of the legendary Cloud Catcher mounted atop her zeppelin net in-hand doing what she does best.
Agency: Cactus
Good Behavior
Crushable IPA
Good Behavior is definitely a Coloradan’s idea of an IPA. Coloradans love their active pursuits but they also love beer. With Good Behavior you can climb that mountain and then celebrate with a beer that still tastes like beer but doesn’t make you feel like you’ve counteracted all that expended energy. This beer and lifestyle is all about balance. Which is why Lady Justice and her balanced scale is featured on the front.
Sippin’ Pretty
Superfruit Sour
Sippin’ Pretty is made with lots of different tropical fruits found all over the world. But Odell is proudly Coloradan, so to strike that balance the can design features flora and fauna found in Colorado. A way to pay homage to Colorado while coming off surprisingly tropical. The hummingbird gives meaning to the name as it is sippin’ on something pretty.
Agency: Cactus
Golden Ale
Giving back has always been a primary mission for Odell. Kindling was created to ignite conversations, build communities and amplify voices by donating 1% of all revenue to non-profits. This beer needed to symbolize their philanthropic efforts and with a name like Kindling the design almost made itself; Kindling being the metaphor that all it takes is a little spark to ignite change.
Agency: Fortnight Collective